Fall 2024

Instructor: Grigore Burloiu

Email: [email protected]

📜 Course Description

This is an introductory creative programming course, aimed at students without a programming background looking to start developing interactive, media-rich applications. We build towards event-driven, real-time processes, and how to design them into systems that implement various user interfaces, behaviours, and graphical outputs. The resulting sketches will form the bass for applications such as games, installations, data visualisations etc.

🗝 Course Prerequisites

This class assumes a high degree of computer and media literacy, but not a high degree of programming ability. A logical, structured approach to solving creative problems is encouraged.

🧠 Course Objectives

Students in this course will:

📚 Readings

Recommended Texts

🏆 Grading


CC1 Asgmt. #1 (30%)

CC1 Asgmt. #2 (30%)

CC1 Asgmt. #3 (40%)

Each project is individual, a simple application showing conceptual and design clarity.


10p outstanding quality 8p complete assignment 4p superficial/incomplete 0p missing assignment

Assignment Submission

Assignments #1 and #2 are due in lecture. Assignment #3 is due in the final exam session. Due dates are posted on Classroom.

Late Assignments