Fall 2023

Instructor: Grigore Burloiu

Email: [email protected]

Lecture: Daily 10h-13h

📜 Course Description

Interactive Music Systems involve machines which communicate with the user in a musical manner. This means that, beyond simply executing commands or reacting to user input, an IMS program will "listen" and "act" in concert with the user, in a manner parallel to the way humans make music. Most concepts and techniques in the course are rooted in sound and music, but may be applied to any time-based interactive media.

🗝 Course Prerequisites

The course builds on the knowledge and techniques gained in the CC2 and Sound Design courses, mostly around Max and Live. No music theory is required; basic concepts will be explained as we encounter them. Be aware that the course will require you to code, at least on a rudimentary level, in 2-3 new environments.

🧠 Course Objectives

Students in this course will:

📚 Readings


🧮 Course Schedule


🏆 Grading


Weekly homework studies (60%): to be published on Classroom by the due date. Each assignment is graded out of 20 points and added towards your final grade, up to a maximum of 60 points.

Final assignment (40%): each project is individual: an interactive music system or an essay.


10p outstanding quality

8p complete assignment

4p superficial/incomplete

0p missing assignment

Assignment Submission