Fall 2023

Instructor: Ioana Mischie

Email: [email protected]

Lecture: Tuesdays 12h-14h

📜 Course Description

An interactive course with a focus on unconventional narrative structures. The class blends theory with practice, dialogue and feedback in order to understand the concepts of digital storytelling: immersion, interactivity, multilinearity. We start with the first manifestations of these concepts, passing through history up to the current day. The current module will highlight the importance of innovative short forms.

🗝 Course Prerequisites

A curiosity for analyzing various narrative forms and dramatic structures (from literature, plays, movie scripts, to interactive fiction, digital performance and video games) through reading, watching, writing and playing.

🧠 Course Objectives

Students in this course will:

Weekly Milestones:

  1. The Overarching Role of Storytelling in Society
  2. Plot-driven structures
  3. Character-driven structures
  4. World-driven structures
  5. Literary disruptive manifestos
  6. Digital disruptive structures