Instructor: Diana Vasile

Email: [email protected]


📜 Course Description

The program is configured in consultation with the largest operators in the Romanian game design industry (Romanian Game Developers Association, Gameloft, Ubisoft, Amber, AMC, Informal Education), with specialists in the field and with other universities in Romania, given the interdisciplinary nature of game design art.

The program is also thought out in accordance with international standards already established in the field, following the curriculum of game design studies at the most important universities in the world.

To offer the proper space for hands on and practical work in professional projects in order to prepare the student for professional working standards in the field of game design and gaming industry.

🧠 Course Objectives

The course is focused on:

📚 Readings

Required Texts

🏆 Grading


60% participation in practice activities

Completing 2/3 of assignments


A 90%-100% B 80%-89% C 70%-79% D 60%-69% F < 60%

Final Examination
